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Epigenetics is the major discipline studying heritable changes of gene activity that do not involve changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Plants are an excellent model for epigenetic studies, because in these organisms epigenetic modifications can be stably transmitted across generations, constituting the molecular bases of an “epigenetic memory”. In contrast to mammals where an efficient reset of the epigenetic information occurs during fertilization and embryo development, plants are a unique model system to investigate how epigenetic information can be transmitted through several generations. In the lab different aspects of plant epigenetics are investigated using both computational and experimental biology approaches. We use the plant Arabidopsis thaliana as main model, with the aim of transfer new findings to crops, using epigenetics as a tool to support a sustainable agriculture and improve food security. We are working to answer these questions:

How epigenetics affects genome adaptation and molecular memory?

The lab aims to explore the links between epigenetics and genome adaptation and evolution, investigating how epigenetic marks can be memorised and passed to progenies, which directly control the speed of genome evolution. We only have little understanding of the epigenetic impacts on evolution, and we want to fill this gap by studing how eviromental changes can be memorised and propagated in plant genomes, as well as their contribution to short time adaptation. In this context, our lab contribute to the project “Understanding Memory of UK Treescapes for Better Resilience and Adaptation” (MEMBRA), a UK Treescapes project aiming the investigation of epigentic memory of trees using cutting-edge molecular biology techniques, to understand how past stresses are maintained and transmitted through generations.


How epigenetic variability can be generated, maintained and used to improve plant production?

Considering that epigenetic marks are also important regulators of gene expression, epigenetics plays a major role in plant adaptation to new environmental conditions or stresses, and can potentially be used as tool to improve crop production and food security. In our lab we want to investigate the bases of epigenetic variation, studying how epialleles (= genes with identical DNA sequence but different epigenetic marks) are generated, and which factors control their stability. This also include the generation of plant lines with stable epigenetic variants, to support future epigenetic-based breeding schemes.


Which are the roles of mobile genetic elements in plant genome plasticity?

Viruses can be considerd as nucleic acid molecules with well evolved systems to multiply and spreads across different hosts. They high mobility allow them to work as potential efficient tools for horizontal gene transfer and genome evolution. On the other hand, Transposable Elements (TEs) are “parasitic” DNA fragments able to move from their original position in the host genome to a new chromosomal location and multiplying their copies, similarly to viruses. With epigenetic mutants it is possible to activate TE mobility and study its effect on genome dynamics in real time. In our lab we apply cutting edge technologies such as third generation sequencing (PACBio or Nanopore) and CRISP-Cas9 editing system to discover and characterize new active mobile elements in plants, and to investigate their contribution to genome plasticity across different plant species or genotypes,  going beyond the concept of a single reference genome.

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Contact us

Dr. Marco Catoni

School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham

Birmingham, B15 2TT

United Kingdom

© 2020 Catoni Lab at the University of Birmingham, UK. All rights reserved.